We all know how important it is to change out the air filters in our homes, but what about your car? Did you know your car has a passenger cabin air filter? They can be in different spots for different vehicles, and mine is right behind the glove box.

The cabin air filter has a pretty important job. It helps to filter out particulates like dust, dirt and pollen and keep it from circulating into the car. So when you and the family are driving around, you’re not breathing all of this stuff in! It creates better air quality and it also keeps the heating, air conditioning, and defrost system flowing, so you can enjoy a more comfortable temperature in the car.
Now the question is when and how should it be changed? Well, that’s why I go to my friends at Jiffy Lube for help - they do a lot more than you think! Every vehicle is different and you can just ask your Jiffy Lube technician about your vehicle manufacturer’s basic service recommendations and your specific needs. And they’ll take it from there!

The technician can locate, remove and visually inspect your cabin air filter, and replace it if needed. It’s as simple as that! And while you’re there you can choose from a whole range of services like a Jiffy Lube® Signature Service® Oil Change, windshield wiper replacement, transmission fluid exchange, tire rotation and more! You can find one near you at JiffyLube.com.

Now this will be one less thing on my to-do list. And once you’ve got a newer, cleaner air cabin filter you can breathe easy while you’re on the road!